Want to transform your advertising, not just optimize it?

Say goodbye to the frustration and confusion of trying to create a successful product on your own. Our Rocket Launch system guides you every step of the way.



Unlock your business's full potential with our self-assessment tool. Instantly score your business on 30 essential factors affecting your marketing. The assessment asks questions related to the company's current marketing strategy, target audience, product offerings, and overall goals. This information is then analyzed to determine which of the 4 programs within the Rocket Launch Program – Perfect Product, Inbound Rocket, Traffic Rocket, and Outbound Rocket – would be the best fit for the client's business. The assessment also provides valuable insights into your current marketing efforts and helps you make informed decisions about you future marketing strategies.


The Rocket Launch program includes 4 comprehensive programs to guide you every step of the way.

Revolutionize Your Marketing with the Holistic Approach of Rocket Launch:

More Than Just Another Ad Buyer

Traditional Ad Buyer

Rocket Launch Program

Focused on running ads to generate leads and sales



Holistic approach that includes defining your offer, developing a 9-step product, building a sales funnel, and more

Specializes in ad buying and targeting



Team of copy editors, ad buyers, automation techs, and marketing strategists

Typically employs a

trial-and-error approach



Customized strategy that is tailored to your business and target audience

Focuses on immediate ROI



Emphasizes long-term growth and sustainable success

Usually charges a commission or percentage of ad spend



Flat fee for a comprehensive program that includes all deliverables

Limited to ad buying services



Provides a complete roadmap to success for your product and marketing efforts

We Have 4 Different Programs

Which One Looks Like What You Need Today?


With our Perfect Product Program, we help product managers, consultants, and course creators define their offer and develop a nine-step product in 60 days without getting distracted and overwhelmed by guessing who your perfect client is, having to hire creative writers, script editors, and organizing your message into a fully automated video sales funnel drip so they can consistently attract paying clients.


With our Inbound Rocket Program, we utilize our all-in-one SaaS suite that provides all the business tools you need in one platform without having to log in and out of multiple platforms, learn how to connect them, and pay for features you won't use. Leverage our Perfect Product program and we will have already developed all the content you will need to have amazing landing pages, email / sms drips, and more. All without having to hire website developers, and technical developers into a fully automated video sales funnel drip so they can consistently attract paying clients.


Traffic Rocket is for select clients where we see an opportunity for successfully scaling their product with paid advertising.


Outbound Rocket is a program that includes a fractional CMO. A fractional CMO is more effective than outsourcing your ad accounts one-by-one. At Vitality Marketing we believe that we can give you the whole package. Not just a single piece of the puzzle.

From the sales funnel to the technical side. We’ll manage your staff or bring in ours to handle the copy, and go all the way to distribution too. The idea is to overcome “Random acts of marketing”. No more trying to get it right.

Now, you will get it right.

Instead of being disconnected to your in-house organization. We’ll be a core component of it. Turning marketing into a strategic partner. Instead of something that’s just “out there”.

Through fifteen years of leadership experience, we’ll help you build a strong and modern marketing department. One that drives growth. Is sales-aligned, fuels revenue, and is sustained too.

Making this step is a big step. But it’s the right step.

Together, we will work up a complete review of all your marketing dollars — where they’re going and check to make sure they’re putting money in your pocket. This plan will produce more clients and a much better bottom line.

What Others Say About Our Holistic Approach

Explore The Rocket Launch Program

4 Comprehensive Programs to Take Your Consulting Business to the Next Level


With our Perfect Product Program, we help product managers, consultants, and course creators define their offer and develop a nine-step product in 60 days without getting distracted and overwhelmed by guessing who your perfect client is, having to hire creative writers, script editors, and organizing your message so they can build a fully automated video sales funnel drip, allowing them to consistently attract paying clients. What we have learned is that 80% of marketing success comes from a clear message and offer.


Inbound Rocket is a custom-tailored, invite-only version of HighLevel that removes the need to stitch together multiple sales tools. It's designed for clients who want a turn-key 'done-for-you' automated sales funnel solution that allows them to nurture leads into customers with multi-channel follow-up campaigns, close deals, manage workflow, and collect payments all in one platform. With Inbound Rocket, you don't have to wait weeks for an answer or try to troubleshoot issues on your own; our team of experts is available to ensure your success and help you achieve your business goals. The premium support is unlimited when you purchase the Outbound Rocket monthly program.


Traffic Rocket is a comprehensive 30-day solution designed to build two complete offers, helping businesses generate leads and increase website traffic through paid advertising and strategic implementation. Our team of ad buyers, copy editors, and designers collaborate to define your offers, develop compelling messaging, create high-converting landing pages, and set up targeted ad campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Additionally, we establish email and SMS drip campaigns and update your outbound sales team's script. With Traffic Rocket, you can effectively reach a wider audience, attract more qualified leads, and drive conversions, ensuring your business stays ahead of the competition.


Outbound Rocket’s dial software & hands-on coaching improve business consultants' sales in 90 days without getting distracted and overwhelmed by revising sales scripts, coaching setters, updating drip automation, or losing leads in your pipeline. We also manage your paid ads, so you can focus on running your business. Instead, you get a weekly ‘done for you’ managed funnel so you can focus on running your business.


Cold Email Accelerator is a focused 60-minute consulting session designed to help B2B companies supercharge their cold email campaigns and connect with their ideal prospects. Our expert will work closely with you to refine your targeting strategy, optimize your email copy using AI-powered tools, and streamline your outreach process for maximum efficiency. We'll also provide guidance on training your team to manage and monitor your campaigns effectively. Whether you're looking to improve your open rates, increase responses, or scale your outreach, Cold Email Accelerator will equip you with the insights and tactics you need to succeed. Book your session now and take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of your cold email marketing efforts.


"Hey there! I'm Jason, the founder of Vitality Marketing Firm.

I'm an avid researcher of technology and marketing, and I love figuring out ways to automate tasks and increase the personalization of the customer's online journey. My sweet spot is taking a consulting business that is already generating revenue and doubling it.

You know, it wasn't always this way. Clients would come to me, wanting to 'sprinkle in some paid ads magic' and expecting their current business model to flourish within 30 days. But what I learned over the years is that most clients didn't have a clear path from point A to point B, where they wanted to take each of their customers.

That's when I realized that all the secrets of digital marketing can't move the needle more than 20% above where a client starts UNLESS you have a clear product to sell first.

With over 15 years of experience in sales and marketing, I've helped hundreds of businesses improve their sales process, generate more leads, and increase revenue. I lead a team of experts in sales, marketing, and automation who work behind the scenes to build a sales team that will help businesses grow. I also provide weekly one-on-one Zoom meetings with my clients to ensure they are on track to achieve their goals.

If you're looking to take your sales to the next level, let's schedule a consultation call and I'll show you how Outbound Rocket can improve your sales team's effectiveness, optimize the quality of your paid ads, and free up your time by removing the need for you to manage a team of graphics designers, copy editors, ad buyers, automation techs, and other professionals working behind the scenes. With Outbound Rocket, you'll be able to focus on running your business while we handle the rest.

Get Laser-Focused Insights from the Founder

When you invest in our paid consultation, you get a full hour of dedicated time with me, Jason Pulliam, the founder of Vitality Marketing Firm. We'll focus intensely on your unique business challenges and goals, digging into the details to uncover opportunities and develop a custom plan just for you. The outcome of this call will be specific action items you can implement immediately, without any obligation to purchase further services from us-- this is NOT a sales call. I'll provide solid direction on which steps matter most and what you should tackle first. To ensure you capture all the valuable insights, I'll also provide a video recording and full transcription of our meeting, so you can stay engaged in our discussion without worrying about taking notes.

If you're not quite ready for that level of specific guidance, booking a free assessment call is a great starting point to see if we're a good match. However, keep in mind that the free call is more of a general overview. For tailored, actionable advice that you can put into practice right away, the paid consultation is the way to go.



It’s not uncommon that we improve the
performance of our online marketing clients within the very first month.


Improving your online marketing metrics is great, but nothing matters more than revenue and profit improvements.


With year plus retention rates over 95%, you’ll continually make money every month from our consistent performance.


4 Comprehensive Programs to Take Your Consulting Business to the Next Level.